Mindful Closet

The fashion industry has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. Today, most fashion companies produce in countries where prices are the lowest, environmental standards are inexistent, and workers' rights are not taken into account.
Fashion has never before been so fast-paced and so cheap. Each year, the leading #fastfashion retailers show 52 micro collections. This kind of consumption doesn't satisfy our real needs. We are damaging the environment while condemning workers/producers to a life of poverty.
The Future of fashion is #Mindful.
Mindfulness is an elevated state of consciousness, and an awareness of choices.
To get you started, here are 10 ways you can start shifting your perspective about the clothing in your closet, and to help you start questioning everything you buy.

  1. Less is More
The idea of fewer but better things is completely opposite to the fast fashion industry, however it’s the first step for developing a #mindful closet.
  1. Support Local
By buying from independent, local and sustainable labels you promote diversity, entrepreneurship, innovation and prosperity. Locally owned businesses recycle a much larger share of their revenue back into the local economy, to the community.
  1. Go Vintage
By buying second-hand, you extend the lifetime and reduce its negative environmental impact.
  1. #30Wears
Sustainable fashion advocate Livia Firth launched the hashtag. She encourages us to ask ourselves before making any purchase whether we can commit to wearing the item of clothing for at least 30 times. If the answer is no, simply don't buy it. 
  1. Become a textile nerd
Every piece of clothing has an impact on the environment, but the big question is how much of an impact? The entire life cycle of clothing should start with learning about the production process that goes into making fabrics and where they end up after use, as some are harder on the planet than others.
  1. Buy timeless, not trendy
Fashion is completely cyclical. What’s trendy this year, will be back in style in a decade. Building a mindful closet is about acknowledging that trends are created by the fashion industry to encourage more purchasing. Think about the things that will be in fashion for a long time vs those that will fade out quickly.
  1. Always consider who made your clothes
Ask the question, before you buy, “Who made my clothes?”. This simple question is actually really hard to answer.
  1. Evaluate prices in terms of 'cost per wear'
It's often tempting to opt for quantity rather than for quality. But if you evaluate prices according to how frequently you wear an item, it will shift the costs.
An expensive pair of shoes that you'll be wearing for several years might prove to be cheaper than an inexpensive dress that you'll wear only once.
  1. Be the guardian of your closet
Make space for each new item that you bring into your closet by taking 1-2 items out and donating them. You are the protector of your closet. Think carefully before you add, and think rationally when you subtract. 
  1. Know your style
Identifying, refining and defining your style helps you create a more mindful closet. You will only buy things you will actually wear, and are able to invest in #EthicallyConscious pieces that are truly your style.

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